K-12 Teacher Education Performance Assessment Preparation: Lesson Learned from Practical Application

Conference: The European Conference on Education (ECE2021)
Title: K-12 Teacher Education Performance Assessment Preparation: Lesson Learned from Practical Application
Stream: Assessment Theories & Methodologies
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Tony Pellegrini, Southern Utah University, United States


It’s no secret that improving the quality of teaching improves the future outcome for students. As the subject of educator performance gains new momentum, K12 teacher preparation programs must support assessment needs of K12 teachers in meeting the needs of the learners whom they shepherd. Educator licensure assessment needs such as assessment development, preparation, administration, scoring, and data reporting are critical components in preparing preservice K12 educators. Collaboration among state education agencies, educator preparation programs, and educators to build fair assessments of educator knowledge and performance is crucial to meet the long term needs of our K12 learners and the teachers who serve them. In this presentation, the presenter will guide participants through the comprehensive and dynamic assessment program aligned to national subject and pedagogy standards employed in the Teacher Education department at Southern Utah University. Participants will enjoy a deeper look at K12 teacher performance a review of teacher candidate’s authentic teaching materials.

Virtual Presentation

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