Title: Connected Curriculum in Practice: The Experience of Embedding Research Oriented Assessments
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Magda Hercheui, University College London, United Kingdom
This research presents the process and results of embedding the UCL Connected Curriculum into three modules at the UCL School of Management MSc Management, demonstrating the approach empowers students as knowledge creators. The paper also discusses challenges brought by these changes, and further suggested development. Based on Connected Curriculum principles and practices (Fung, 2017; Tong et al., 2018), assessment based on research has been incorporated into two modules, making them more relevant from the perspective of discussing contemporary issues and offering activities which are related to professional application of knowledge. Both modules reconnect their syllabus with other content taught in the programme, adding a multidisciplinary dimension to research exercises. Students share findings, fostering peer learning. In a third research-based module, the teaching has been restructured. Students are motivated to link their research with career plans and to apply research to their entrepreneurial projects. Students are motivated to publish their work, and conference and journal papers have been published based on their research. Challenges are mainly about activities requiring more efforts (understanding theory and data collection methods) and greater engagement across the whole module. Areas of improvement are related to having more means to support students interested in publishing their research and further developing their research after finishing their degrees.
Virtual Presentation
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