Capitalizing on Community Capital: An Analysis of Initiators’ Perceptions of the Purposes of Community Education

Conference: The European Conference on Education (ECE2021)
Title: Capitalizing on Community Capital: An Analysis of Initiators’ Perceptions of the Purposes of Community Education
Stream: Challenging & Preserving: Culture, Inter/Multiculturalism & Language
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Julia Steenwegen, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Noel Clycq, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Jan Vanhoof, University of Antwerp, Belgium


Community education is a versatile way for minoritized communities to organize education in support of their youth. The variety of community education initiatives meets different needs of different minoritized communities. To understand the workings of such spaces we need to look closely at the purposes they seek to meet. By interviewing initiators from a variety of communities, we study the purposes and motivations of different after-hours community schools. We outline similarities across communities and early results show variances between long-settled and newly arrived communities. These findings add to our knowledge of minoritized communities’ educational needs as well as the resourceful ways of communities to meet those needs. This is of significant importance when seeking to understand the educational trajectory of minoritized youth.

Virtual Presentation

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