Title: A Judgement-free Zone to Maximize Target Language Production
Stream: Approaches
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Ya-Chiu Hsieh, Defense Language Institute, United States
Lin Tsai, Defense Language Institute, United States
Yue Meng, Defense Language Institute, United States
The facilitation of a speaking session involves meticulous planning and educational psychology. It has to be effective, and more importantly, motivating and autonomy-supportive. The presenters took an unconventional approach at the Defense Language Institute and used Speaking Clubs as the ultimate hands-on learning in language classrooms. The public speaking club is student-initiated and teacher-facilitated and integrated the three Modes of Communication in a judgement-free zone where students can freely deliver organized speeches (presentational), discuss topics of their choices impromptu (interpersonal) and share insights on current events (interpretive). The language specific Speaking Clubs maximize language production, build learner confidence and critical thinking skills and encourage students to take a leap of faith. To demonstrate what sets the Speaking Clubs apart from typical speaking classes where students practice certain vocabularies and grammar and receive feedback from teachers, pre-, during- and post- club meeting activities will be provided to illustrate the flexibility in incorporating Speaking Clubs in lower intermediate to advanced level classrooms. The presenters then collected and analyze quantitative and qualitative data as supporting evidence in the research paper in discussion of the effectiveness of the approach.
Virtual Presentation
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