Title: Creating Lasting Economic Impact and Promoting Gender Equity in Africa Through Education
Stream: Higher Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Kristin Palmer, University of Virginia, United States
The Distance Education for Africa (DeAfrica) program has been running for six years. This program is an educational outreach program between a non-profit with offices in Kenya and the University of Virginia in the United States. Over the past six years, 24,000 scholarships have been awarded to learners in every country in Africa. This session will highlight some student stories and talk to the transformative power of education. Testimonials from students will be shared. Survey data on impact to participants for career and education will be presented. Two books that have been published by this team will be presented. One book shares data on enrollments, student testimonials, and graduation ceremonies. A second book provides a series of ten case studies looking at regional African businesses. Eight of the ten business cases were written by women. Two of the goals of the DeAfrica program are creating lasting economic impact and promoting gender equity. This presentation will summarize how this program, designed on the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework, has been successful over the last six years and plans for the future.
Virtual Presentation
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