Title: Preschool Practices to Promote Self-regulated Learning
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Janete Silva Moreira, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Ana Margarida Veiga Simão, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Paula Costa Ferreira, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Self-regulated learning is a transversal competency in human development and plays a central role in acquiring autonomy. It is a complex and dynamic process involving personal, behavioral and contextual dimensions. Moreover, the current social challenges require educational professionals, particularly teachers, to be flexible and personalize teaching practices according to children's specificities. This investigation aims to support the use of methodologies that promote self-regulated learning in preschool teachers' practices. We also intend to study if such practices promote the use of self-regulated learning strategies in children. Participants included ten preschool teachers and their children (N = 141). An educational intervention was implemented by teachers that were engaged in professional training. Pre and post-test measures were used by teachers with children, identifying children's perceptions and strategies to solve preschool tasks. The instruments were validated for the children's age: Dynamic Assessment of Self-regulation in Preschool (DASP) method and the Children’s Independent Learning Development Checklist. Pre, post-test, follow up and process measures were used with teachers (SRL diary, focus groups, motivational beliefs scales about the use of the DASP method, and reflection exercises) to assess possible changes in their perceptions and practices. Preliminary results will be presented showing change, transferability, and stability of self-regulated learning practices over time. Furthermore, this study contributes to the design of educational resources to promote preschool practices according to diverse self-regulated learning dimensions (i.e., motivational and metacognitive) and preschool authentic activities. The potentialities and constraints of the investigation will be discussed considering theoretical, practical and political implications.
Virtual Presentation
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