Title: Teaching Aptitude of the Teachers
Stream: Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Sai Shri Ramamurthy, Independent Researcher, India
Manjunatheshwar Prasad Jagadeshwar Rao, Dailyhunt, India
This paper discusses about the teaching aptitude of teachers teaching at different levels from primary school to graduate level. This paper compares the teaching aptitude of male and female teachers, teachers from different specializations, teachers with a teaching degree and teachers who don’t hold a professional teaching degree and also that of the freshers and experienced teachers. The author aims to study about the ambition of teachers when they were in middle school as adolescence is the age where individuals develop an identity for themselves, to study the number of teachers who actually wanted to become teachers; and thereby compare the teaching aptitude between teachers who wanted to become teachers and others. A survey was conducted on 100 teachers using a pretested questionnaire. The statistical results of the same will be discussed in this paper.
Virtual Presentation
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