Title: Fude Master: Japanese Writing Practice M-learning Application Based on Gamification Theory and Its Evaluation With ARCS Model
Stream: Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Astrid Tamara, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
Makoto Shishido, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
Foreign students have difficulty in learning Japanese, especially in kanji acquisition. This is caused by the difference in the writing system between the students’ native language and Japanese. It is especially difficult to differentiate similar-looking Japanese characters for these foreign students. Fude Master, an m-learning app for learning Japanese with pattern recognition to judge user’s handwritten input is developed to help writing practice. Gamification theory is implemented to increase user’s motivation and participation. The m-learning app features game elements from gamification theory such as points, milestones, leaderboard, and more. The learning menus consist of Kanji, Vocabulary, and Sentence menus. The Kanji menu’s materials are individual kanji characters. The Vocabulary menu’s materials are words composed of the kanji. The Sentence menu’s materials are how to use the words in a sentence. In accordance with gamification social elements, a Player Vs Player (PvP) menu is included. This PvP menu enables the user to play against another user in a timed quiz writing battle where the one who attains the highest point will win. The application is developed for smartphones with operating systems Android and iOS by using Ionic Framework. The backend system is developed with nodejs and socket.io. The application is tested on 10-20 foreigners whose native languages do not use kanji characters. Before using the application, a pre-test is held. Then after using the application, a post-test is held to measure the difference with the pre-test, and the respondents are asked to answer a questionnaire based on ARCS Model of motivation.
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