Title: A Study of Students’ Engagement on the Zoom-based Synchronous Online Teaching
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Ka Man Pang, University of Wollongong College Hong Kong, Hong Kong
The outbreak of the COVID-19 created a chaos of global health crisis and campus health. In the Wollongong College Hong Kong (UOWCHK), almost all classes have adopted using the Zoom-based synchronous online teaching. However, the problems of using this teaching approach are diversified as indicated in many studies. It includes the teaching becomes ‘passive’, ‘isolated’ and ‘unengaged’. This paper reports a study concerns students’ engagement on the learning of a first-year computer programming module. The module was delivered with a Zoom-based online teaching and aims to provide students introductory knowledge of computer programming. It mainly to study whether students can stably mentally engage to the learning process through-out the module. The study used a rating scale and anchoring survey method to collect quantized qualitative data regarding students’ feelings on five bipolar mental specifications, ‘Boring–Stimulating’; ‘Did Not Learn Much-Learned Much’; ‘Not Engaged in Learning Process-Engaged in Learning Process’; ‘Not Much Work Done-Much Work Done’, and ‘Cannot Experience Good Learning- Experience Good Learning’. They were asked to rank against these mental specifications in 1-7 points upon completion the teaching weeks of 2, 5, 9, and 12. The variances of students’ responses were analyzed with one-way repeated measure ANVOA, and the descriptive method with the study weeks’ means average. The result of this study is inspiring as the study shows that students mostly can positively, stably engage to the learning processes through out the module. It indicates that they might not pedagogically restricted by using the Zoom-based synchronous online teaching.
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