Title: Teenpods: Production of Educational Videos as First Step in a Transmedia Educational Project About Positive Youth Development
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Laura Fernández-Rodrigo, University of Lleida, Spain
Arnau Erta Majó, University of Lleida, Spain
Eduard Vaquero Tió, University of Lleida, Spain
Teenpods is the name of a Transmedia-Educational-Project (TEP) performed by the Chair Education and adolescence from University of Lleida. This project aims to promote the Positive-Young-Development (PYD) approach on educational contexts. It has 11 pods about different topics linked with adolescence. Each Teenpod is set to include several transmedia objects addressed to education practitioners. The first step in each pod design was elaborating an educational video about the selected topic. This communication aims to describe this experience: the elaboration process of Teenpods and the reflection on the followed principles for the design of educational videos as a part of a TEP. Methodologically, transmedia objects have been produced following a Design-Based-Research (DBR), characterized by iterative cycles of analysis, design, development and refinement via tight collaboration among researchers, practitioners and audio-visual producers. Results show that video transmedia objects design process is linked with principles of TEP production: choosing scientific content about educational topics, adapting content to a synthesized and dynamic discourse, taking care of the graphic design and multimedia content, and planning the launching of the final product on the Internet. This study contributes to fill the gap in the literature about TEP to train professionals. It offers guidelines to promote the self-learning processes through transmedia open resources for educational practitioners on the field of Educational Technology. Additionally, it presents an example to promote PYD through video educational objects. Finally, future research is needed to deeply analyse the impact of these resources on the Internet.
Virtual Presentation
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