Title: Learning through Teaching: Reciprocal Peer Teaching in Language Education
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Kyung Min Nam, The University of Nottingham Ningbo China, China
This study discusses pedagogical effectiveness of reciprocal peer teaching in language education by putting students at the centre of the teaching and learning process. Undergraduate students learning Korean as a foreign language at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) took part in reciprocal same-year tutoring in the format of rotating teaching sessions by individual students to the peer group. 'Tutor' students taught Korean to their ‘tutee’ students in their own ways by using their own teaching materials, and the entire process of peer teaching and its benefits were explored through observation, interviews and survey methods. The findings have shown that all participant students acted as autonomous, creative and professional language experts taking considerable power and responsibilities, and such peer interactions had a positive impact on teaching and learning showing many benefits, including cognitive, social, and affective congruence. This reciprocal peer teaching conducted in a student-centred environment sheds light on empowering students to be autonomous learners in language education.
Virtual Presentation
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