(Beyond)radio Drama in an Ergodic Perspective: Interactive Audio Art as a New Face of Radio Plays

Conference: The Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film (MediAsia2021)
Title: (Beyond)radio Drama in an Ergodic Perspective: Interactive Audio Art as a New Face of Radio Plays
Stream: Broadcast Media & Globalization
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Eliza Matusiak, University of Lodz, Poland


Audible art, although drawing on its specific genre determinants, changes in the face of interactive media (the Internet, virtual assistants). The authors give up the classic narrative of an audio story in the traditional form, bringing to life ergodic texts of sound culture. Observation of the changes in sound art in the era of interactive media (hypertextual forms of reception) allows for the hypothesis that a way of the development of radio art is being shaped, which goes beyond its primal medium. The interactive drama becomes a new form of radio theater, which includes an event space. The drama is a work of art that the recipient explores by making choices at decision-making moments. The listener moves like in hypertext through voice commands (or selection in the application). At the moment of decision, listener directs the course of the story. The aim of the research is to investigate and develop an interactive radio play as a non-radio, to identify new media constituting the space for the creation and distribution of ergodic radio dramas, and to indicate their ergodic specificity. In formulating research conclusions, a qualitative method will be used – appropriate to the methodology of media research – analysis of the content of audio dramas. The division of a work into its components, from the point of view of communication sciences, with particular emphasis on the genological distinguishing features of fictional audio works and radio research discourse, will serve for analysis.

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