Student and Faculty Experience With a Redesigned Discussion Forum

Conference: The IAFOR International Conference on Education in Hawaii (IICE2022)
Title: Student and Faculty Experience With a Redesigned Discussion Forum
Stream: Curriculum Design & Development
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Amy Johnson, University of Arizona Global Campus, United States
Michelle Simecek, University of Arizona Global Campus, United States
Bryan Aylward, University of Arizona Global Campus, United States


In this session, the authors will discuss implementing a research study regarding different formats of discussion forums. In a recent redesign of ECE 315: Language Development in Young Children, a modified discussion structure was implemented. The rationale for this research project came from the two ECE 315 faculty developers who were interested in students engaging in learning through discussion forums on a deeper level than previously witnessed in prior sections of the courses. ECE 315 is a high enrollment course with a new offering almost every week for students. From June 1, 2019, through May 31, 2020, there were 50 sections offered of this course with a total enrollment of 1,009 students who took the course, with an average course size of approximately 20 students per offering. Our research questions include (1) In what ways has the discussion redesign impacted student performance? (2) What are student perceptions regarding the new discussion approach compared to the traditional discussion approach? (3) What are faculty perceptions regarding the new discussion approach compared to the traditional discussion approach? (4) To what extent do faculty and students prefer the new discussion approach compared to the traditional discussion approach? The research results will be presented, as well as additional data points from these course offerings, specifically related to student success and course retention rates. The presentation will conclude with opportunities for future research.

Virtual Presentation

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