Engaging Students to Chinese Language Enhancement Classes With Communication-Intensive Components

Conference: The IAFOR International Conference on Education in Hawaii (IICE2022)
Title: Engaging Students to Chinese Language Enhancement Classes With Communication-Intensive Components
Stream: Curriculum Design & Development
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Ming Wai Christy Chung, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


One of the University educational aims for undergraduate curricular in The University of Hong Kong is communication and collaboration. Students will learn how to communicate effectively in academic, professional and social settings and work with others and make constructive contributions. The University approved the Communication-intensive Courses initiative from 2018-19 by recognizing courses that provide HKU students with the core communicate competences needed for creative, economic and social success on campus and in the workplace. In traditional classrooms, students learning Chinese Language are expected to listen to lectures and finish the related assignments to strengthen their understanding and master the knowledge gained in class. However, in CiC courses, they focus on four main areas of communication: i) oral literacy, (ii) written literacy, (iii) visual literacy, and (iv) digital literacy. In our Chinese Language Enhancement courses which are Communication-intensive badged, students will learn the communication knowledge and skills through a variety of activities including in-class discussions, completion of assessed and non-assessed tasks and / or assignments, guest workshop, peer and teacher feedback on both speaking practice and written assignments. Students will have developed certain abilities and attributes of being effective communicators.

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