Title: Resilience Among Teachers and Students with Learning Differences During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Similar Practices in Differing Contexts
Stream: Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Jeanette Landin, Landmark College, United States
When the COVID-19 pandemic started, teachers’ and students’ initial impressions were that a return to normal would occur soon and that the shift to online and distance learning were a short-term anomaly. After 18 months of pandemic restrictions that have caused distancing in both the teaching and other social aspects of learning, remaining resilient and proactive is becoming increasingly more challenging. For teachers of and students with learning differences, additional challenges and trials with distancing and online learning exists. Including the obstacle that prior models and expectations of high-contact teaching and peer-based social learning have irrevocably changed. What was once the norm for teaching and learning face to face, and added obstacles because of the intrinsic challenges, is that learning differences present themselves in a variety of ways. Faculty and student perspectives are explored to present opportunities for ramifications to the pre-COVID-19 teaching styles. As well as, revealing to faculty and students that the trials to come are greater than expected environmentally, inside and outside of lessons and academic activities, and interpersonally with faculty and students with anxieties that COVID-19 has presented over the last 18 months. Many methods of increasing resilience and proactivity through the pandemic have been explored, including mindfulness, but few methods of increasing resilience have been explored with faculty and students with learning differences. The online accommodations detracted from "normal" faculty and student resilience.
Virtual Presentation
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