Title: Qualitative Analysis of Participant Feedback from an International Nursing Clinical Program in Guatemala
Stream: International Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Amanda Choflet, San Diego State University, United States
Robert Choflet, University of Maryland, United States
Jade Parker-Manderson, Nursing Heart, Inc., Guatemala
Background: Although thousands of people participate in global health exchange programs in Guatemala every year, information about their learning outcomes and cultural experiences is unclear. Many organizations attempt to provide educational and cultural learning opportunities for clinicians while addressing health disparities in Guatemala. However, very few learning outcomes have been reported from international short-term medical missions, especially those with a focus on professional nursing. Objectives: The aim of this program evaluation was to characterize the learning outcomes of participants in community-based international short-term missions over 24 months from 2018-2019 using an online open-ended survey of participant experiences. Methods: The community-based organization collected anonymous survey responses from program participants over two years, including three open-ended survey questions which were analyzed for this study.
Results: 378 past participants of nursing-focused groups were invited to participate and 94 total responses were returned, for a participation rate of 24.5%. Several learning themes emerged from the open-ended questions included in the anonymous survey of program participants. These themes included the development of cultural skills, technical nursing skills, and initiating a broader understanding of global health and the role of public health in vulnerable communities. There were important differences noted in the responses of participants depending on the type of program under evaluation (pre-licensure Bachelor’s degree program student nurses, post-licensure nurse practitioner students, and community groups that include both clinical and non-clinical participants). Conclusion: This program evaluation demonstrated that meaningful educational, cultural, and professional themes emerged from participation in the short-term medical missions supported by NHI/ACE.
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