The Essential Elements of 4-H Integrated Within the School Classroom

Conference: The IAFOR International Conference on Education in Hawaii (IICE2022)
Title: The Essential Elements of 4-H Integrated Within the School Classroom
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Jason Hedrick, The Ohio State University, United States
Mark Light, The Ohio State University, United States


The Essential Elements of 4-H Youth Development are basic principles under which the 4-H Youth Development Program operates across the country (Purdue Extension, 2018). Incorporating these elements into the traditional classroom enables educators to focus on positive outcomes desired for youth; provide lesson plans for all students; view youth as central actors in their own development; and consider the development of the whole young person. Integrating these elements, the active learning classroom can be alive with creativity, focus, and the desire to learn (Watanabe-Crocket, 2017). The presentation will classify the Essential Elements of 4-H into classroom concepts and describe how they meet student’s needs. Presenters will help attendees assess how well classrooms provide opportunities to meet each of the Essential Elements for students. There are a few crucial ingredients that are carefully combined in a recipe for an active learning classroom. In 4-H, the critical components of a successful learning experience are a sense of Belonging, Independence, Mastery, and Generosity. Across each curriculum, the 4-H Essential Elements (Belonging, Independence, Mastery, and Generosity) are embedded through the learning experience (Kress, 2004). More specifically, 4-H programming and classroom environments can be built around Eight Key Elements within the Essential Elements. This presentation will introduce participants to the Essential Elements of 4-H and guide discussions on how to implement these strategies into classroom environments to enhance learning and positive youth development.

Virtual Presentation

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