Title: A Multifaceted Approach to Complex Needs: Targeted Interventions for Gifted Students With Autism
Stream: Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster Presentation
Sacha Brayley, University of British Columbia, Canada
Recent studies have focused on identification of gifted students with ASD and on their learning experiences; however, there appears to be a gap in the research regarding effective interventions for these students. Most intervention strategies target either the student’s giftedness or their ASD diagnosis, but their unique challenges require targeted interventions that extend beyond those designed for students with a single exceptionality of either giftedness or autism. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of targeted, multi-faceted interventions designed to address the complex, often contradictory needs of a gifted student with ASD. The study used a single-subject research design, which took place over the course of two school years. Targeted interventions were designed and implemented to address the specific needs of a 9-year-old male BIPOC student, who had received an ASD diagnosis at age 3, and who was subsequently identified as highly gifted at age 7. A literature review, which looked at the identification of gifted students with ASD and how these dual diagnoses impact their experiences in school, informed the design and implementation of interventions. Practitioners conducted interviews with the student, parent, and teachers, which uncovered differing understandings and expectations that contributed to school avoidance, frustration, and anxiety on the part of the student. In collaboration with the parent, teachers, and student, a series of interventions were designed to address this student’s specific needs. Behavioral observations, progress monitoring, and pre- and post-intervention interviews were collected as evidence to determine the effectiveness and relevance of the interventions.
Virtual Poster Presentation
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