Title: Grandparent’s Role as a Caregiver: The Impact on Life Satisfaction and Perceived Health Status of Grandparents in India
Stream: Aging and Gerontology
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Sruthi Anilkumar Hemalatha, International Institute for Population Sciences, India
In most societies, older adults in the family have been known to provide informal care to their grandchildren either as a primary caregiver or in a supplementary role. Grandparents are often tasked with many household responsibilities and this may have an impact on their well-being. The main objective of the study is to examine grandparental caregiving in India and the factors that influence it using data from Longitudinal Ageing Study in India, Wave 1 (2017-18). Additionally, the study also examines the effect of caregiving on life satisfaction and perceived health status of grandparents. Bivariate and multivariate analyses have been used to examine the factors affecting caregiving and to understand the impact of caregiving on life satisfaction and health status of grandparents. Results show that most grandparents in India are relatively young (40-59 years), falling in the 40-59 years age group (59.3%). Among them, 22.3% actively care for their grandchildren while 18.8 % of grandparents above 60 years care for their grandchildren. Living arrangements, sex, age and limitations in activities of daily living have a significant effect on caregiving. Life satisfaction among grandparents is also greatly influenced by grandparents parenting their grandchildren. Grandparents who don’t provide care to their grandchildren have lower odds of being satisfied with their lives and have a lesser likelihood to have reported better health status as compared to those who care for their grandchildren. There exists a need for extensive research on grandparenting, focusing on their well-being to better understand their situation and provide necessary assistance.
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