Pathways of Resilience and Recovery From Trauma for Cambodian Young People

Conference: The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences (ACP2022)
Title: Pathways of Resilience and Recovery From Trauma for Cambodian Young People
Stream: Mental Health
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Zoe Wyatt, Hagar International, Mauritius


Trauma is prevalent worldwide and affects millions of children each year. The long-lasting effects of trauma are far-reaching and recovery from trauma can be challenging. The phenomena of the ability to recover from traumatic circumstances and adversity is known as resilience. Yet there is limited research available on resilience in developing countries, such as Cambodia. This presentation is based on PhD research that explored the individual, social and cultural factors that promote resilience and recovery from trauma. This qualitative study consisted of 40 interviews, 26 of these interviews were with of young Cambodians with a history of early childhood trauma that included incarceration, trafficking and modern-day slavery. The remaining 14 interviews, were conducted with key informants from non-government organisations working within the child protection space. Themes identified in the research contributing to resilience included social connectedness, the ability to successfully regulate emotions, opportunities for education and employment, meaning making, and faith and spirituality. This presentation will explore resilience and discuss the implications of the findings of this research. Strategies for supporting trauma survivors will be presented, relevant for both individuals and organisations working with trauma survivors in a variety of contexts.

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