Title: Teaching and Learning Resilience Through School Gardens
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Sallie Marston, University of Arizona, United States
Moses Thompson, University of Arizona/Tucson Unified School, United States
Resilience for children (as well as adults) is the capacity to endure adversity with equanimity, i.e. with the confidence to push forward despite trials and tribulations. The accomplishment of personal resiliency is the result of learning to develop inner resources that can be drawn upon inn difficult times to approach and develop solutions to those problems. The COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine have had significant and possibly long-lasting impacts on children, especially their social and emotional development and resilience. This workshop will address resilience in the school garden learning environment and how its key elements—emotional regulation, impulse control, problem solving, empathy, self-efficacy and optimism—can be cultivated. The two presenters have over twelve years of experience employing school gardens as learning labs and publishing research on their effects. One is an academic and founder of a garden support organization for Title I schools; the other is a school counselor and director of that same school garden support organization, now serving upwards of 50 schools. The workshop will be divided into two parts. In the shorter first part, we will provide an overview of the scholarly literature on resilience, including related approaches such as self-determination theory, emotional intelligence, and social emotional learning, among others. In the second part we will offer workshop-based training that supports participants to enact both the principles of resilience-based learning as well as recognize those principles at work in the garden. Participants will receive a garden-based lesson in resilience they can adapt for their own use.
Virtual Presentation
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