Title: Ethics in Higher Education Post Covid-19 Pandemic
Stream: Ethics - Ethics in Education
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Parin Somani, Independent Scholar, United Kingdom
Pandemics have historically contributed to vast social, economic, and political change. The recent coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic has demonstrated similar patterns and included the transition of higher education systems from traditional methods of educating students, to remote learning methods utilizing electronic learning (e-learning) platforms. This has altered the way in which educators transmit knowledge to their students and the learner’s ability to comprehend information, consequently leading to compromised ethical behavior. This study aims to identify ethical dilemmas and moral languages that have been affected during the covid-19 pandemic. A framework is devised to facilitate sustainable ethical behavior to help educators and student’s post- pandemic. A systematic review is conducted via a thorough literature search. Results have indicated a transition onto e-learning platforms have presented the following ethical dilemmas in higher education: ethics of consequences, ethics of consistency and ethics of care. This has related to authenticity of assessments pertaining to accreditation and compliance, quality of education, equity, student security and inclusivity. The moral languages affected during the covid-19 pandemic include rules and principles, character, and basic beliefs. This study has deduced that educators are deemed as moral actors who can create a myriad of consequences. However, by considering society and diverse backgrounds, students can be nurtured through behavior adaptation forming the foundation of social ethics and demonstrating virtue ethics. This will contribute towards positive sustainable student development and cultivate good ethical behavior in higher education post-pandemic.
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