Title: Liminality in Inclusivity: Faculty Perceptions Towards an Inclusive Educational Community
Stream: Arts - Social, Political and Community Agendas in the Arts
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Rebecca Kan, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore
Jonathan Chng, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore
Arthur Chiang, Rainbow Centre, Singapore
Yeok Nguan Tan, Rainbow Centre, Singapore
Linda Prebash, Rainbow Centre, Singapore
As Singapore lives with COVID-19, the notion of an inclusive educational community is imperative to enhance the engagement of persons with diverse learning abilities. Over the course of eight months from February to September 2021, concepts of human-centred design, disability through the lens of inclusion, and principles of Universal Design for Learning were examined in the context of inclusive arts education in a higher educational context. This study interviewed 10 artist-educators to evaluate their responses towards inclusivity at the end of the programme. The findings are interpreted through the lens of liminality. The proposition here is that liminal encounters in faculty development can be described by one or more of these practices: separation, in which one leaves the original pedagogical approaches and begins to embrace a different way of thinking; exploration, in which one journeys towards inclusive practices; realization, in which one begins to reflect on and question the self; and innovation, in which one experiments with new pedagogical approaches to transform the curriculum in higher education of the arts. By viewing the findings through the lens of liminality, we suggest that inclusive practice brings about personal resilience to those involved. The paper offers an opportunity to think deeply and creatively about what it means to envision inclusive practices in higher education of the arts, and to explore alternative models of evaluating professional development to bring about collaboration, empathy and an ethics of care.
Virtual Presentation
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