Title: The Ethics and Efficacy of Luxury Art as a Dimension of Corporate Social Responsibility
Stream: Business and Management Ethics
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Matt Johnson, Hult International Business School, United States
Robert Barlow, Hult International Business School, United States
Prince Ghuman, Hult International Business School, United States
Recent years have seen renewed interest in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of luxury brands, with a strong focus on sustainability and circular fashion. However, relatively little work has examined the potential role of visual art as a dimension of CSR for brands within this sector. In this analysis, we address this lacuna by integrating insights from contemporary ethics, art history, and business ethics to evaluate the opportunities, risks, and societal implications of such an approach. This analysis is buoyed by three key observations: 1) the recognition that visual art, generally, makes a critical contribution to human well-being and social function, 2) luxury brands, as a category, are more artistically inclined than brands from other sections, and 3) luxury brands play an outsized role in the development of artistic preferences and the generation of creative tastes. In synthesizing these inter-disciplinary insights, we provide an account of how, and under what circumstances, luxury art makes the greatest contributions to the social good, as well as addressing the larger, ethical considerations presented by corporate art.
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