Motivation Over Time at the Tertiary Level

Conference: The European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL2022)
Title: Motivation Over Time at the Tertiary Level
Stream: Applied linguistics research
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Faten Slimani Aloui, University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, France


A lot of research has been conducted to investigate the role of motivation in success in learning the target language, English as a case in point. This study, conducted in the French context, aims at exploring the motivational change that learners may undergo during their academic year. The subjects are sample groups of 79. This study also examines the differences in the variables in terms of SEX and level of training (LT). A questionnaire was used. Personal narratives were used to qualitatively collect data among the residual cases (most and least levels of variables) to further explain their implications in learning. Semi-structured interviews were recorded to gather data among EFL teachers of English to give a better understanding of the teachers’ perception of their students’ motivation. Three data analysis procedures were used: t-test, descriptive tests, and the alpha internal consistency coefficient. The results showed that students tend to have high and medium levels of extrinsic-instrumental, integrative and intrinsic orientations. More integrative orientation helps EFL learners improve in English. Results also revealed that males held more extrinsic-instrumental orientations while females were more intrinsically-oriented. The findings demonstrated that the motivational orientations were complementary rather than conflicting. The qualitative approach revealed that the teacher has a pivotal role in encouraging students’ motivation to learning English. Thus, he/she alleviates their students’ negative thoughts concerning their own capacities; fosters their readiness to speak. Both quantitative and qualitative methods confirmed the change in them. SEX and LT variables clearly proved to be significant in this study.

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