Title: Bloom Where Planted: The Inflorescence Model of Suicide Recovery Among Youths
Stream: Mental Health
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Angelie Bautista, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Marc Eric Reyes, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Clarissa Delariarte, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
The increasing prevalence rate of suicide makes it a major public health concern worldwide. Nevertheless, suicidality is preventable and manageable given the continuous efforts to fully understand this phenomenon. This grounded theory study examined the process of suicide recovery among a selection of Filipino youth aged 15 to 27. Twenty-five survivors of suicide attempts were purposively selected and went through in-depth interviews. Through open, axial, and selective coding, guided by analytic memos, data was processed by consistently moving back and forth for the constant comparative analysis. Emerging categories were monitored until all new data fitted into existing categories and no new data emerged from further theoretical sampling or data saturation. Data triangulation for negative case analysis was conducted, which indicated that the emerging theory was broadened but refined and validated. Theoretical triangulation aided in making the findings comprehensive. Peer debriefing and member validation were conscientiously employed to be able to yield a substantive theory called the Inflorescence Model of Suicide Recovery. This model emerged and likened suicide recovery to the processes that a flowering plant goes through. It elucidates the phases of suicide recovery: (1) immersion: the acknowledgment of brokenness and vulnerabilities; (2) germination: the process of splitting off the seed coat of emotional pains; (3) emersion: the sprouting out from the soil; (4) entrenchment: the process of rooting deeper; and (5) inflorescence: the flourishing and sustaining suicide recovery. The Inflorescence Model of Suicide Recovery can contribute to the development of psychological intervention and management strategies for youths suffering from suicidality.
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