Remote Experiment for Electrical Engineering

Conference: The Asian Conference on Education & International Development (ACEID2022)
Title: Remote Experiment for Electrical Engineering
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Tee Hui Teo, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore


Handson experience is mandatory for engineering courses such as electrical power system, and power electronics. However, the laboratory is not accessible during lock-down period. In such case, remote experiment setup is required. This work shares a laboratory setup is assisting the remote experiment for electrical engineering instructors and students. The setup involves electrical training equipment, data acquisition hardware, control software, remote desktop, and etc. Online exercise platform that mimic the electrical training equipment is also available for practices. With the help of the online exercise and remote experiment platform, the in-person/hybrid/remote experiment lesson is reduced from 120 minutes to 60 minutes or lesser. The setup is effective and efficient for different mode of lessons. The experiment is pre-setup and instructors or at least one member are in the laboratory to assist the setup due to high safety requirement for the electrical equipment. It is worth to mention that the remote experiment setup is not to replace the in-person experiment but to provide handson experience and not to compromise the lesson plan during lock-down period.

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