Title: Being Taken Care by Foreign Caregivers: Perspectives From Elderly Stroke Survivors in Taiwan
Stream: Aging and Gerontology
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Feng-Hang Chang, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
Yu Su, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
Shan Shan Chen, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
Background and Objectives: The changing social and economic structures of an aging society have increased the demand for foreign caregivers (paid migrant workers who provide in-home help to aging adults) among families in many developed countries including Taiwan. However, the values, beliefs, and experiences of foreign caregivers are not completely understood. This study explored the lived experiences of Indonesian foreign caregivers, the largest migrant working population in Taiwan, who reside with and provide support to older adults with stroke and their families.
Research Design and Methods: By adopting a phenomenological approach, we conducted in-depth interviews with 22 Indonesian caregivers (mean age: 36 years) who were caring for community-dwelling older stroke survivors (aged ≥65 years) in Taiwan. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and interpreted by the research team by performing thematic analysis. Methodological rigor was achieved through member checking, triangulation, and audit trials. Results: Six themes were constructed from the interviews: (1) foreign caregiver’s background, (2) foreign caregiver’s perception of the health and functional status of stroke survivors, (3) foreign caregiver’s values and preferences, (4) consequences of caregiving, (5) skills/abilities/knowledge of foreign caregivers to provide the required care to stroke survivors, and (6) potential resources that foreign caregivers could choose to use. Discussion and Implications: This study sheds light on foreign caregivers’ lived experiences of providing care to stroke survivors. The results of this study can be used to inform the development of policies and practices to more effectively support foreign caregivers in caring for the aging population.
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