Title: A Case of Sand Tray Experience with a Taiwanese High School Student who Infected COVID-19
Stream: Qualitative/Quantitative Research in any other area of Psychology
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Po-hsuan Chuang, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Since the end of 2019, the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic has swept across the world, causing major impacts on the way of life that people had been used to. It had also been particularly difficult for the underage students in Taiwan due to the lack of COVID vaccines. The government could only introduce online-courses to prevent transmission. Unfortunately, there were still students being infected. They were not only suffered from the illness and isolation, but also endured stress after returning to school. As a school counselor, the researcher concerned about the mental and physical wellbeing of these students upon their recovery. In this study, Sand Tray Therapy was applied to probe along with the participant into the psychological experience of such incidents. Adopting purposive sampling as the research method, the researcher invited a high school student who had recovered from COVID-19 infection to participate in 5 individual counseling sessions. Within these sessions, the participant presented the experience of the process from confirmed infection to full recovery on the sand tray. The results indicates that the participant finds the involvement of Sand Tray Therapy “special” and “fascinating” and shown the sentiment of “healing” and “releasing.” Furthermore, the creations of sand tray shown the essence of “episodes reification,” “evoking memories” and “rearranging records.” This research presents that sand tray can catalyze students who infected COVID-19 to express more about the process of being infected to their recovery. Moreover, sand tray can be utilized to gain understanding of their inner state of selves.
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