Trainers’ Perspectives on Going Online Concerning Mindfulness and Resilience in Learning Authorities

Conference: The IAFOR Conference on Educational Research & Innovation (ERI2022)
Title: Trainers’ Perspectives on Going Online Concerning Mindfulness and Resilience in Learning Authorities
Stream: Workplace Learning
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Nadine Baumann, BayWISS - Bavarian Academic Forum, Germany


Aim of the research project is a focussed look at the situation, i.e. mindfulness and resilience, of internal trainers of government authorities providing professional development in online courses. Based on digitization and mediatisation of communication, adult education going online, it is a challenge for government authorities in the field of tension of budget, legal foundations, developing digitised services, and maintaining the principles of a learning organization to support training excellence. In times of crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, there are changes which have significant effects on internal trainers that need to be considered to support teaching capability, mindfulness, and resilience. The panel study series started out with a quantitative online survey with 105 internal trainers (2018). It continued with qualitative guideline interviews via video-chat with 48 trainers and a particular focus on the pandemic (2021). Qualitative retrospective interviews will follow (2023). Results are compared to the situation and measures of international authorities. First results show that mindfulness means stress to trainers, their resilience is in demand within the triangular ‘organisation – participants – features of online training’. The study implies that, particularly in times of crisis, trainers perceive themselves as disadvantaged concerning shifts within the principles of the learning organization. With role and task, they are thrown back on themselves. The research work’s value lies in mapped and deduced implementation potentials for federal authorities to act as learning organizations towards trainers to support their mindfulness and resilience to fulfil their task and to reach training excellence online.

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