Ico-cymatic Backstage Design Process: Applying Vernacular Techniques and New Media Into Ephemeral Spaces for Art Installation in South America

Conference: The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education (ECADE2022)
Title: Ico-cymatic Backstage Design Process: Applying Vernacular Techniques and New Media Into Ephemeral Spaces for Art Installation in South America
Stream: Promoting Cultural Heritage in Art and Design
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Elvert Durán Vivanco, University of Bío-Bío-Chile, Chile
Carlota Durán Vivanco, Teja Verde Ecodiseño, Chile
Jimena Alarcon Castro, University of Bio Bio, Chile


In the evolutionary process of our planet, organisms and their natural ecosystems have gone through a long process of adaptation, making it possible to optimize their functions and structures. Geometries and morphology, growth patterns, protection systems, among countless other resilience factors, have been a fertile source of inspiration for different areas of knowledge.
New aspects related form-finding methods are increasingly recurring in the design processes and in the optimization of generative solutions, which could be synchronized with analogous traditional methods of representation. This research will show some design practices in the form-finding process for temporal uses space, based on non conventional design methods, using geometric concentric patterns obtained from sound stimulation known as cymatic patterns. Specifically, the stages of recording, analysis and digitization of sound stimulation in volumes of water contained in cylindrical bamboo containers and other materials and shapes. This ephemeral icosahedron shelter was built with vernacular construction techniques and reciprocal structures, using chilean bamboo ( Chusquea culeou), lashing unions, plywood, reusable fabrics and other sustainables materials. This project was part of an art installation, used as a backstage concert nearby BioBio river. Important aspects such as installation process, structure for wind performing and usability will be some of the issues described as part of the result of this interdisciplinary research. This design project was held during the “Music Rivera Festival” in Concepcion Chile in 2020, and it was sponsored by FIC Future Mas/Art: Creative Industry project.

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