Augmented Reality (AR) for Chemistry Education to Promote Understanding of the Substance-particle Concept in Teacher Trainings

Conference: The European Conference on Education (ECE2022)
Title: Augmented Reality (AR) for Chemistry Education to Promote Understanding of the Substance-particle Concept in Teacher Trainings
Stream: Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Melanie Ripsam, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
Claudia Nerdel, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany


Technical language is divided into three levels. The Macroscopic level describes real, observable phenomena of the material world. The Submicroscopic level focuses on particles (e.g. atoms, chemical processes). The Representative level includes pictorial and symbolic representations to visualize substance in its nature. Novices often have problems separating these levels and conceptually transfer each of the three levels to the other. Therefore, teachers need to use chemical terminology correctly when teaching the substance-particle concept. Augmented reality (AR) connects real and virtual world. The observer physically moves in a real environment that integrates virtual elements. This can be effective for learning when chemical processes that are invisible made visible. The simultaneous presentation should avoid split-attention. The question arises whether AR has a positive effect on the use of technical language. With an AR app, chemical processes of a real experiment are represented by AR visualizations. In this study the substance-particle concept of chemistry teachers (N=40) is analyzed using thinking aloud protocols. Thus, usability of the AR app was tested. Furthermore, it was investigated whether the test instruments validly and reliably depict the substance-particle concept of the teachers and the usability of AR learning environments. The thinking aloud protocols to acquire the understanding of the substance-particle concept and accordingly the use of the chemical terminology are evaluated in MAXQDA. The usability test is evaluated using statistical data analysis in SPSS. At the conference, the AR learning environment and the learning results with regard to the substance-particle concept will be presented and discussed.

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