Cross-cultural Learning Experiences Among Graduate Students in France and the United States: A Case Study

Conference: The Paris Conference on Education (PCE2022)
Title: Cross-cultural Learning Experiences Among Graduate Students in France and the United States: A Case Study
Stream: International Education
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Pavan Antony, Adelphi University, United States
Jessica Lament, INSHEA, France


This session will highlight the cross cultural educational experiences of graduate students enrolled in teacher preparatory programs in the United States and France. A total of 27 graduate students enrolled in a teacher preparatory program at a higher education institution in France were paired with graduate students in the United States. All the students in the US who are finishing up their Masters degree in teaching met online with the French students during the course of the semester. Students from both countries interviewed one another regarding the education system and culture of both parties. The class discussions and analysis of written student responses led by lead professors in France and the US reveal several benefits to cross cultural dialogues among graduate students in higher education. This session will highlight the benefits of international cross cultural dialogues and ways to implement similar models in countries around the globe.

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