Exploring the Realities of Sexually Diverse Students in Higher Education in the African Context: A Case of a Lesotho University

Conference: The Paris Conference on Education (PCE2022)
Title: Exploring the Realities of Sexually Diverse Students in Higher Education in the African Context: A Case of a Lesotho University
Stream: Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Kelello Rakolobe, National University of Lesotho, Lesotho


This chapter explores the realities of sexually diverse learners in higher education in the African context. One perspective suggests that we cannot discuss sexuality without referring to gender. When it comes to gender, Africa is classified as a continent characterized by huge disparities between legislation and lived realities. Africa is also classified as a difficult place for expressing sexuality outside the heterosexual norms. In the era where education is inclusive and a fundamental human right, there is a need to develop and implement legislation that supports education that is inclusive of all, including lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, queer, asexual and plus community (LGBTQIA+ community). A critical qualitative document analysis of the sustainable development goal 4, Constitution of Lesotho, 1993, Higher Education Act, 2004 and Inclusive Education Policy, 2018 was carried out to establish legislative measures taken to include sexual diversity in an institution of higher learning in Lesotho. Couched in Interpretivism, semi-structured interviews with individuals belonging to minority identities to find their lived experiences in higher learning institutions were conducted. The findings are that there are discrepancies between legislation and reality when it comes to the identities of sexuality and gender for minority groups. The author anticipates that there is a need to review legislation to make it more inclusive of the minority sexuality identities.

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