Title: Why Parents Do What They Do: Developing and Validating a Survey for the Mathematical Lives of Parents and Children
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Anastasia Betts, The State University New York, United States
Ji-Won Son, The State University New York, United States
Learner variability presents an enormous challenge for teachers and schools. Even as early as kindergarten, incredible learner diversity exists in terms of children’s early learning experiences, especially in mathematics. Research has shown that this variability begins in the home environment, where parents and caregivers have the biggest impact on the child’s readiness for school. Regular, high-quality, parent-child shared math activities have a great impact on the child’s foundational math knowledge. However, there are limited studies on parent motivations that drive these interactions in general, especially for parent perceptions and motivations with their young children (ages 3- to 5-years-old) through mathematics. The present study intends to design a survey instrument that can help stakeholders better understand parent/caregiver perceptions, decision-making, and behaviors around mathematical parenting in the home. This study continues previous work establishing RESET (Role, Expectations, Skills, Efficacy, Time) as an effective framework for examining the parent perceptions and motivations that most influence interactions in the home mathematics environment. A convenience sample (n=58) was used to pilot the instrument and test the reliability of items. Building on the prior study, this study tests a revised tool with more data around mathematical parenting practices in the home to help increase our understanding of the ways families can be guided to support the early mathematics learning of their children, prior to the onset of formal schooling.
Virtual Presentation
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