Envisioning the Future: Ten Keys to Enhance Resilience Predictors Among Inmates

Conference: The Paris Conference on Education (PCE2022)
Title: Envisioning the Future: Ten Keys to Enhance Resilience Predictors Among Inmates
Stream: Mind, Brain & Psychology: Human Emotional & Cognitive Development & Outcomes within Educational Contexts
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster Presentation
Giulia Perasso, Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti, Italy
Tania Di Giuseppe, Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti, Italy
Alessandro Maculan, University of Padua, Italy
Francesca Vianello, University of Pauda, Italy
Patrizio Paoletti, Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti, Italy


This study examines the impact of the program Envisioning the Future, created by Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti, on the predictors of resilience among the inmates of Padua prison (Italy). EF offers neuropsychopedagogic intervention constituted of ten keys encompassing the main neuroscientific findings and daily practices for resilience (Korb, 2015; Tabibnia & Radecki, 2018; Paoletti, 2019; Tabibnia, 2020). Since EF was implemented between March and May 2021, during the Covid-19 pandemic, it was structured in 9 online group sessions led by trainers in Pedagogy for the Third Millennium (PTM) (Paoletti, 2008). Inmates completed anonymous scientific questionnaires (Resilience Scale-14, RS-14, by Wagnild & Young 1993; Connor Davidson Resilience Scale-10, CDRISC-10, by Connor & Davidson, 2003; the Self-efficacy Scale in managing Positive and Negative Emotions, APEN/A – APEP/A, by Caprara & Gerbino, 2001; Coping Orientation to the Problems Experienced, COPE-NVI, by Sica et al., 2008) at the beginning and the end of EF. Two models of linear regression were computed to identify the predictors of resilience. At the beginning of EF (n=24 inmates), only low avoidance predicted resilience (β=-.64, p<.05). At the end of EF (n=24 inmates), the constellation of factors predicting resilience enriched, including low avoidance (β =-.34, p<.05), self-efficacy in regulating positive emotions positive (β =.51, p<.05), cognitive flexibility (β =.56, p<.05), and social support (β =.56, p<.05).
Results highlight that participating to EF neuropsychopedagogic intervention, providing inmates with notions and practical suggestions about resilience functioning, strengthens the constellation of predictors of resilience in a challenging context like the prison.

Virtual Poster Presentation

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