Research Evaluation: An Impact on Researchers’ Research Agendas?

Conference: The European Conference on Education (ECE2022)
Title: Research Evaluation: An Impact on Researchers’ Research Agendas?
Stream: Higher Education
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
Valentina Carazzolo, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy


The purpose of our contribution is to provide an insight of the effects of the implementation of research evaluation on knowledge production process. More precisely, the research question we aimed at answering is to understand whether the research evaluation policies implemented by the Italian ministry of Education (the so called VQR, that is, the Evaluation of the Research Quality) has had effects on researchers’ research agenda setting process. It is possible to define the research agenda setting as the sequence of medium- and long-term actions to organize research related interests, according to researchers’ working goals. Hence, for the purpose of our research, we decided to adopt the webmail survey methodology, for the possibility it grants to easily reach out to the entire reference population (that is, the researchers). The survey was sent to the entire social scientists’ community currently active in Italian public and private universities, from January 2022 to February 2022. The research is currently still at an ongoing status, and the final analytical phase has still to be conducted. It is our expectations that the implementation of the VQR has not produced a significant impact on researchers’ research agenda setting process. A stronger impact may be produced by the availability of funds tied to specific topics or the collaboration with the colleagues.

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