The Application of the Cultural Onion Model in L2 Teaching: A Study in a Chinese Class for Ethnic Minority Students

Conference: The European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL2022)
Title: The Application of the Cultural Onion Model in L2 Teaching: A Study in a Chinese Class for Ethnic Minority Students
Stream: Applied linguistics research
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Qinxi Cai, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Xiaoying Kuang, HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education, Hong Kong


L Tsung et al. (2012) suggest that enhancing cross-cultural language learning competence through cross-cultural comparisons is an effective approach for ethnic minority students to learn the target language. At present, cultural teaching in teaching Chinese as a second language for ethnic minority students in Hong Kong is neglected in comparison and mainly focuses on the promotion of Chinese culture. Teachers are less likely to gain a deeper understanding of students' own culture nor compare students' own culture with that of the target language, which is not conducive to improving students' language ability in cross-cultural communication. The study attempts to integrate the "Cultural onion model" (Hofstede. G, 1991, 2010) into L2 teaching, guiding students to understand the culture of the target language from the perspective of artifacts, behavior, feelings, values, worldview and ultimate allegiance, and to be able to use this model to compare the target language culture and their own culture. Therefore, to help students understand the target language culture clearly and enhance their language learning ability of cross-cultural communication at the same time. With a case study of food thematic teaching in a primary two Chinese class for ethnic minority students in Hong Kong, the study will discuss how the cultural onion model should be applied to language teaching and matched with the Chinese Language Curriculum Second Language Adapted Learning Framework (Hong Kong Education Bureau, 2019), the differences of presenting and effect between the language and culture teaching integrated with the cultural onion model and the regular teaching.

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