Co-production Between Culture and Performing Arts: A Performing Project in Taiwan

Conference: The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2022)
Title: Co-production Between Culture and Performing Arts: A Performing Project in Taiwan
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Peishi Weng, Taipei University of Marine Technology, Taiwan
YiJie Ou, Taipei University of Marine Technology, Taiwan


This is a one-semester project with 16 students (10 aboriginal students and 6 Taiwanese students). The purpose is to assist students to integrate aesthetics, multi culture and digital knowledge to improve their problem-solving skills and then present the creative ability. Through the course “Pop music video production and distribution,” Taiwanese and aboriginal students need to created their own music videos and plays and then upload the videos. The researcher used qualitative method to investigate their producing process. From the students’ motivation, video planning concepts, to the final feedbacks, the researcher will collect the data to analyze the results. Some suggestions are conducted in the following. First, the learning motivation between aboriginal and Taiwanese students are still need to take into the consideration. How to share each other’s culture is the main issue. Second, with the video production, guide students to train the team work ability and complete the production is important. Through this project, the research hopes that aboriginal and Taiwanese students can realize each other, and the use team work to complete this video work.

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