Teachers’ Readiness for Home-Based Learning – The Case in Singapore Primary Schools

Conference: The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2022)
Title: Teachers’ Readiness for Home-Based Learning – The Case in Singapore Primary Schools
Stream: Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Li Li, Singapore Centre For Chinese Language, Singapore


Home-Based Learning (HBL) is made to be a significant component beyond the face-to-face teaching and learning activities in Singapore schools during and after the pandemic. This urges the need in understanding the teachers’ readiness for HBL and their possible required support. This study aims to survey, explore, and profile Chinese Language (CL) teachers’ readiness for HBL in Singapore primary schools. Teachers’ readiness for online teaching can be conceptualized as personal readiness, i.e. readiness in the in technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK); and context readiness, i.e. supports from schools and communities (Scherer et al., 2021). 577 CL teachers from 101 primary schools answered a questionnaire asking about their self-efficacy in TPACK, their perceived support from schools and parent involvement during HBL, and their self-reported HBL related teaching presences. Teachers were found to be confident in their TPACK in CL online teaching, hold positive feedback on school support and parent involvement, and were satisfied in their teaching presence during HBL, which indicated both personal and context readiness in HBL. The four factors were closely correlated to each other. Group differences were found in the aspects of teaching presences between teachers teaching lower and higher levels, indicating different needs of support from teachers teaching different levels. For future HBLs, teachers still pose the needs in improvement. The immediate support is deemed to be more teaching resources that are suitable for students’ online learning. In terms of training on online teaching, teachers seemed to prefer introductions to affordance of ICT tools.

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