The Potential of Self-Assessment Rubrics as a Self-Assessment Tool: The Effects of Reflection by Employing an Individual Report

Conference: The Asian Conference on Education & International Development (ACEID2022)
Title: The Potential of Self-Assessment Rubrics as a Self-Assessment Tool: The Effects of Reflection by Employing an Individual Report
Stream: Assessment Theories & Methodologies
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster Presentation
Misa Otsuka, Jissen Women's Junior College, Japan
Kaoru Mita, Jissen Women's Junior College, Japan


In recent years, the importance of developing students to become self-regulated learners has been highlighted. As part of a joint research project, the authors introduced a rubric-based self-assessment activity, which compares the level of achievement at the beginning and end of a semester, in an endeavor to enhance students and teachers’ efforts. Although the results revealed that students’ awareness of achievement targets at the beginning of a semester were effective, the following challenge involved improving learning effectiveness beyond individual differences in students’ behavior. The purpose of this study was to improve the rubric’s accuracy and develop an effective method of reflection that can enhance learning effectiveness, regardless of students’ individual differences.

In 2019, we devised an individual report portraying each individual’s degree of growth and conducted self-evaluation activities at short intervals, including the beginning, middle, and end of the semester. Moreover, we deduced that detailed feedback from teachers was effective, which was evident from the open-ended statements and results of the students’ questionnaire.

These results revealed that reflection activities during short intervals are effective in providing students with concrete opportunities to develop and undertake steps toward becoming better self-regulated learners. Furthermore, the importance of reaffirming the teacher’s role as a facilitator, not just a disseminator of knowledge, was demonstrated.

Virtual Poster Presentation

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