Title: Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Digital Leadership of School Principals in Thailand
Stream: Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Dawruwan Thawinkarn, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
The objectives of this research were to develop elements and indicators of digital leadership of school principals in Thailand. The research instrument was a five scale rating questionnaire with reliability 0.976. The sample group included 300 school administrators and teachers from school who had been selected by using the stratified random sampling technique. Data analysis was descriptive statistics and reference statistics by using SPSS for Windows Program and M plus Editor Version7. Research findings: The findings of confirmative factor analysis the digital leadership of school principal in Thailand consisted of 4 main elements include: 1) digital communication 2) digital learning 3) professional development and 4) digital culture revealed that the model significantly correlated with the empirical data. The consistency index value was chi-square= 41.528, df = 30, P-Value = 0.0785, TLI = 0.986, CFI = 0.993, RMSEA = 0.036, and SRMR = 0.024 .Average values and distribution coefficient were determined according to the criteria.
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