A Comparative Analysis of Metaphors Constructing Danger and Force Dynamics in Buddhism Discourse

Conference: The European Conference on Arts & Humanities (ECAH2020)
Title: A Comparative Analysis of Metaphors Constructing Danger and Force Dynamics in Buddhism Discourse
Stream: Language, Linguistics
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Baramee Kheovichai, Silpakorn University, Thailand
Makoto Watanabe, Hokkaido Bunkyo University, Japan
Masako Wada, Fuji Women's University, Japan


This study aims to compare the metaphors used to conceptualize danger and their force dynamic patterns in the dharma books of two prominent monks, the Venerable P.A. Payutto and Buddhadas Bhikkhu, who represent Normative Buddhism and Intellectual Buddhism, respectively. Three dharma books of each monk were selected for analysis and they were read to determine dangerous concepts. Metaphors that are used to conceptualize concepts that pose a threat or danger to humans physically or mentally were analyzed and compared in terms of conceptualization and force dynamism. This paper discusses three prevalent source domains which have force dynamics: MOVEMENT, FIGHTING and OBJECTS. This paper argues that Buddhadas Bhikkhu’s emphasis on mental practice to reach the state of void results in metaphorical conceptualization of danger as residing in the mind and forcing movement. In contrast, Venerable P.A. Payutto, as an academic monk who is more conventional, conceptualizes danger as external to humans and restrict humans’ movement. This paper concludes that integrating frameworks in cognitive linguistics in the analysis of religious discourse can shed further light on intra- and inter-religious comparison, offering a more profound understanding of religious beliefs.

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