Blended Learning Between Success and Catastrophe in Third World Countries: IKR as a Case

Conference: The European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL2021)
Title: Blended Learning Between Success and Catastrophe in Third World Countries: IKR as a Case
Stream: Educational Technologies
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Shokhan Anwar Hassan Al-Jaf, University of Raparin, Iraq
Mezin Hesen, University of Raparin, Iraq


Despite of destructive impacts on Health and economy, COVID19 brought humanitarian disaster, especially for education and learning. Social distancing gave prospects to find an alternative method for students to get connected to their academic modules and educational procedures. Educational technology and e-learning are fundamental system to progress controlling over time, place and pace. Blended learning (BL) is one of the most up to date technique which has been consuming in Iraqi Kurdistan Region (IKR) since the spread of the virus, to mention that, this method has not been applied or practiced before. University of Raparin (UoR) and University of Garmian (UoG) are sticking to the same plan (BL) to keep lecturing during pandemic stretch. This paper focuses on the quality and quantity of learning in such poorly organised environment. The method of the research is experimental study. Questions have been given to students of UoR and UoG/ English departments. The data has been collected and illustrated in charts. The final figures assert that online educational materials cannot accomplish the process of BL. Also it is not a satisfactory method for those that have never been trained or prepared for such a plan which generalised by the Ministry of Higher Education (MHE).

Virtual Presentation

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