Form, Genre, Experiment – the Structure of the Radio Art

Conference: The European Conference on Media, Communication & Film (EuroMedia2021)
Title: Form, Genre, Experiment – the Structure of the Radio Art
Stream: Journalism
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Natalia Kowalska-Elkader, University of Lodz, Poland


The theme of this presentation is radio art and its form. The main aim is to describe the nature of radio experiment and determinants of radio art. Crucial for me are also documentary elements of radio art and the relations between radio art and journalism. I focus on the genre pattern based on the press genres research that is adjusted to the audio forms. In the analysis of the radio experiment it is important to me how it is related with modern radio art. In the presentation I will also try to define the ruling principles of experimental form. Literature theory, journalism genres and genre’s pattern theory will be the referring points for this study. The theoretical basis includes, among others, the theory of ‘Pure Form’ devised by Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz and Susan Sontag’s theory of interpretation. Later in the text, issues of aesthetics and anti-aesthetics, such as noise, are mentioned. The employed methods include literary analysis and criticism as well as some elements of structural analysis. The research questions I ask myself are related to the way of creating experimental works, their form and its relation to the content. The examples analyzed in this article were broadcasts by Gregory Whitehead, Eugeniusz Rudnik, Tomasz Plata and Antye Greie.

Virtual Presentation

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