Four Years of Erasmus+ Exchanges Between the Netherlands and Kazakhstan: Activities and Outcomes

Conference: The European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL2021)
Title: Four Years of Erasmus+ Exchanges Between the Netherlands and Kazakhstan: Activities and Outcomes
Stream: Culture and Language
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Errol Ertugruloglu, Leiden University, Netherlands
Bakytgul Yermanova, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools Pavlodar, Kazakhstan


This virtual presentation will offer an overview of the activities and educational outcomes that were reached through an exchange between Kazakh schools and Leiden University’s Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON). As the result of the international workshops, conducted and organized by Dutch and Kazakhstani Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) trainers, the participants (secondary school STEM teachers), acquired an international professional CLIL network for further CLIL initiatives and activities in their professional settings, practical training in specific subject CLIL and, therefore, the ability to implement CLIL at lessons and schools. Since November 2015 Kazakhstan has adopted Trilingual Education road map in schools and universities, placing Kazakhstan citizens under obligation to know three languages as Kazakh (national language), Russian (language used for communication between different nationalities as Kazakhstan is a multinational country), English (international language). Transition to teaching STEM school subjects in English has been gradually implemented from 2017. In the Netherlands, Leiden University’s Graduate School of Teaching, ICLON, occupies a key position in the field of CLIL, through its pre- and in- service teacher training programs and through the educational research programs. Over the course of 4 years, both presenters have participated in various exchange programs, varying from Bolashak International Scholarship Programs to Erasmus + programs. For all institutions involved in this project, this cooperation contributed to an improved international perspective, by understanding and appreciating similarities and differences in educational development, the position of language in education and culture in respective countries.

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