Title: Teacher Candidate Support and Resiliency During a Global Pandemic
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Roddran Grimes, Georgia College and State University, United States
Stephen Wills, Georgia College and State University, United States
Robert Sumowski, Georgia College and State University, United States
Kim Muschaweck, Georgia College and State University, United States
Hiller Crook, Georgia College and State University, United States
The global pandemic has disrupted the classroom experience of teacher candidates and for students with disabilities in their P-12 school environment. This presentation will describe how one education preparation program (EPP) had to shift their cohort model from face-to-face to virtual instruction in two weeks and simultaneously support their teacher candidates’ mental health needs and pedagogy. The EPP provided support and guidance to their undergraduate and Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) teacher candidates on how to deliver instruction via online tools in order to meet the emotional and academic needs of their P-12 students with disabilities. In addition, the EPP had to also provide encouragement to teacher candidates who were thrust in an unfamiliar teaching setting during an unsettled time in world history. The goal of this presentation is to highlight tactics used by the EPP to maintain program integrity when forced to move to virtual models of instruction and how they implemented mental health status checks on their teacher candidates in order to help build psychological resiliency. Participants will learn how the EPP helped teacher candidates manage their P-12 students in a positive manner so that they could reach their goal of successfully completing the semester and graduate on time. Participants will also receive the same strategies the EPP used to help teacher candidates support P-12 students’ acquisition of academic content in an online setting.
Virtual Presentation
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