Title: Investigating the Impact of Factors Associated With Student Academic Achievement and Expectations Through the Ecosystemic Perspective in the Greek Context
Stream: Mind, Brain & Psychology: Human Emotional & Cognitive Development & Outcomes within Educational Contexts
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Olga Giovani, Hellenic Open University, Greece
In this proposal, Bronfenbrenner's theory (Brofenbrenner,1970; 1979; Brofenbrenner & Crouter, 1983; Brofenbrenner & Morris, 1998; Brofenbrenner & Evans, 2000) will be used to investigate the individual, microsystemic and exosystemic factors that may affect adolescents’ academic achievement as well as their expectations in Greece. First, the topic of academic achievement in an adolescent developmental context will be set as the target of the proposed study while focusing on the aspects of community influences on adolescents. More specifically, the effect of available resources and the perceived sense of safety and support will be further investigated. Then the issue of family factors will be analysed, focusing on parental style, parental monitor, involvement as a mesosystemic factor as well as their expectations. In turn, the school will also be discussed with emphasis on the teacher expectations, the presence of school disorder, absenteeism, and the academic aspects of student achievement. Finally, the adolescent’s individual perspective will be taken into consideration in developmental terms, examining their perceptions regarding their community/neighbourhood, their family, their school as well as their sense of self-concept and self-esteem as these are expressed through their academic performance and prosocial behaviour. The aim of the proposed research is to study these associations through the prism of the systemic perspective; the relationship between aspects of educational achievement and socioeconomic background, with an emphasis on the role of the community which has not been adequately researched in the Greek context.
Virtual Presentation
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