The Pre-service Teachers’ Perception About Coexistence in Their Centre

Conference: The European Conference on Education (ECE2021)
Title: The Pre-service Teachers’ Perception About Coexistence in Their Centre
Stream: Higher Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster Presentation
Alejandra Alexia Díaz Pino, Complutense University, Spain
Lourdes Pérez Gonzalez, Complutense University, Spain
María del Rosaio González Córcoles, Complutense University, Spain


Coexisting in school from a positive perspective, implies having teachers ready and willing to interact with each other following this approach. However, this determination could be limited due to their perception of concepts that are highly relevant to coexistence such as conflict, so it seems necessary to know the pre-service teachers ideas about it. Thus, this research, through a descriptive study, aims to identify the perception of 63 students of the degree in Primary Education of Madrid about coexistence. The same as previous studies within The Help Project results show that although most frequent conflicts in school are those that involve psychological violence, the students have a remarkable difficulty to recognize as a violent situation the one that does not involve physical harm. Students perceive as well “conflict” as something negative to avoid and they highlighting the relevance of dialogue and teachers’ intervention to solve it. Also, the students emphasize the importance of the involvement of the student and, especially, of the teacher as a mediator of conflicts, as well as highlighting the importance of cooperative group work, explicit training on coexistence and the importance of rules in the development of a good coexistence. Consequently, it seems necessary to develop training programs that allow students to think about their own ideas of conflict and its potential influence on coexistence.

Virtual Poster Presentation

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