Title: Change Readiness: Preparing for Change in the Age of Disruption
Stream: Higher Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Brian Delevie, University of Colorado Denver, United States
Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) are in a period of immense disruption due to student demographic changes, economic pressures, and approaches to student learning. These swirling forces are driving IHE to consider and pursue systemic organizational, cultural, and pedagogical changes to fulfill their missions and remain financially viable. To meet these challenges, DP are enacting various change implementation strategies to guide and engage their unique ecosystems towards developing the systems and protocols necessary for effective and systemic change. However, though the need and desire for change are strong, most change initiatives don’t fully reach their intended outcomes due to an incomplete understanding of how the faculty tasked with or affected by, feel and respond to a particular change. As such, the concept of individual change readiness is frequently cited as a reason why change efforts fail. By investigating specific attributes of change readiness such as culture, efficacy, valence, and uncertainty, this paper examines the mediating factors that govern design faculty’s response to change as a mechanism to inform future change implementation processes.
Virtual Presentation
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